Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Your Home Electrical System

Your Home Electrical System
Did You Know? info regarding your Your Home Electrical System
  1.A circuit breaker can appear to be ON but really be tripped.
2.The voltage at half of all U.S. homes is greater than most light bulbs are designed to run on.
3.A normal receptacle is sometimes ground-fault protected from elsewhere.
4.Home electricity doesn’t flow in one constant direction.
5.A turned-on dimmer switch normally produces some heat.
6.Most of a circuit can go out even... when the breaker is on and is fine.
7.A GFCI receptacle will not trip for an overload.
8.Hair dryers sold today can use the entire capacity of a 15-amp circuit.
9.Replacing a switch or receptacle can open a can of worms.
10.Even if you knew all these, you can learn more by reading this page.

Your Home Electrical System

Electricity flows to your lights and appliances from the power company through your panel, its breakers, out on your circuits and back. Here is a schematic picture of all the major parts of your home electrical system. There are many connections along these paths that can be disrupted or fail, and there are many ways that electricity could go places you don’t want it to.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, great article, I really appreciate your thought process and having it explained properly, thank you!

