Each one provides a different function but both can save you money.
The attic fan is installed either in the roof or gable end of the attic, it is controlled by a thermostat and sometimes a humidistat as well. The attic fan has more benefits than just cooling down the attic, though that is the primary function.
An Attic can reach as high as 135 degrees in the summertime, an attic fan can reduce that by as much as 25 -30 degrees. This is still very warm but reducing the attic temperature that much your cooling costs will be reduced and it will make you A/C unit work less hard. Along with heat in the attic comes humidity, this can damage stored items such as clothing by creating mold and mildew. By moving the air and reducing the temperature the humidity gets reduced as well.
Another little known benefit of reducing the attic temperature is that it can increase the life of you roof shingle. Heat and humidity are enemies of the shingle by reducing the heat from below it can increase the life of roof shingle by as much as 25%. The time to install these devices is now before the blistering heat of summer arrives.
A ceiling fan is another household item that can benefit the home owner as well. We all know ceiling fans will help cool you down. By moving air even though the temperature is still the same but it gives the perception of being cooler. When air moves across the skin it helps cool, as a result you can keep your thermostat set a little higher while staying cooler. This allows your cooling system to work less and saves money. These fans can save money in the winter as well. By reversing the fan blades it draws the air up not blowing down on you making you feel colder. It moves air from below towards the ceiling and that moves the trapped warm air down to the living space. Your heat pump, furnace or baseboard heaters work less and come on less saving heating costs. Many times these items can pay for themselves in the first year.
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